
Phone Home

I’ve been thinking a lot about my definition of “home” lately. To be honest, I still haven’t really figured it out. But I’ve just been so torn between where I am right now and where I think I’d like to be – literally and figuratively – that I’m trying to determine where home is.

Home is familiar. It’s where you feel safe and comfortable and understood. It’s where you feel loved. Moreover, I think it’s where you can fully express your love back. It doesn’t have to be a physical space; it can be a person, an activity, maybe some ridiculous idea you have. It’s something you can rely on when you’re distressed. This much I can put together.

I think what I’m really battling is the realization that the feeling of home can change. As I have said previously, there’s little you can always depend on in this life. And home is one of those things that is never constant. Because though a home may never change, you change. What once was comfortable, familiar, safe, and welcoming can turn strained, unpleasant, disorientating, and stressful. You can feel disillusioned, distraught. However, I find solace in the belief that there’s always a home to reside in. There’s always a person, a place, a memory – whatever it may be – where you can calm yourself and forget some of the things you’re dealing with.

My idea of home is by no means complete or even correct, but it’s what gets me by right now.

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I'm Ready - Jack's Mannequin

November 20, 2017

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