A Tribute to All Dads

As it is Father’s Day, I feel it’s only right that I talk a bit about dads and their invaluable contributions to family, society, and well, the universe. They play a subtle role that very few could begin to master – and they do it without really trying. Here are some, but not all, things that only dads are good for:

Allowing you to shamelessly eat pizza for breakfast or chocolate cake for dinner. 
In this scenario, it must be noted that Mom ISN’T present. Not only is Dad cunning enough to keep this a secret from Mom (until you spill the beans of course – “MOM! GUESS WHAT DAD LET US DO!”), he also is able to paint the situation as something that you all deserve and would be wrong to refuse to do.  read more


As this is the ECC, failing to mention the power of cereal would be a terrible shame. Whenever you’re having a breakdown, cereal is there for you. Through thick or thin, 2% or soy milk, whole grain or chock full of sugar, it really never fails to cheer you up. Not only that, it has sparked inspiration within me recently – inspiration to co-mingle.

I’ve always liked to mix cereals. Most commonly, I’ll mix a plain cereal with a sugary one: Rice Chex with Lucky Charms, Cheerios with Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Corn Flakes with Frosted Flakes, etc. However, of late, I’ve gone a little crazy. Now in my bowl of cereal, you can find Pecan Great Grains, Banana Great Grains, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, 2 types of Granola, and Wheat Chex. I’d add more types of cereal if there were more in the house. I guess I’ve just decided that there is no limit to the number of textures and flavors I can and should add. If they’re all good, why not add them all? read more

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