
A Tribute to All Dads

As it is Father’s Day, I feel it’s only right that I talk a bit about dads and their invaluable contributions to family, society, and well, the universe. They play a subtle role that very few could begin to master – and they do it without really trying. Here are some, but not all, things that only dads are good for:

Allowing you to shamelessly eat pizza for breakfast or chocolate cake for dinner. 
In this scenario, it must be noted that Mom ISN’T present. Not only is Dad cunning enough to keep this a secret from Mom (until you spill the beans of course – “MOM! GUESS WHAT DAD LET US DO!”), he also is able to paint the situation as something that you all deserve and would be wrong to refuse to do. 

Increasing your athleticism. 
Let’s face it, Dad is always good at sports. He played 3 years of little league baseball back in the day, ya know. He’ll get you up to speed at throwing and catching a football,  using a mitt, and taking a nice hit with a wiffle ball bat. Beyond that, what more do you really need? You’re practically a professional athlete now. 

Keepin’ it real. 
Today, it seems like we’ve all gotten a little too melodramatic. Everything is chaos, or a disaster, or simply too much to handle. That’s where dads come in. Dads have this inexplicable power of being unconcerned by most things and can remain calm when it seems all hell has broken loose. As an example, I remember once describing to my dad in a stressed tone how I was struggling to get all of my college forms in, pack for school, see my friends, and earn money. His response: “Shit happens.” And he handed me his beer. Boom. 

As my dad always says, “Night grilling deserves a quiet night.” Dads enter this zen mode when they approach the grill, much the way Buddhist Monks meditate. They craft their burgers and dogs to perfection, and although we think that it’s us that’s being treated, the dads are really the ones benefitting from the experience. 

Holding the house together – literally. 
We’re humans. We ravage things unintentionally. As time goes on, we wear down door hinges, paint peels, grass grows too long, etc. That’s where Dads come in. The toilet’s clogged? Dad will fall on the sword and fix it. The lawn looks disgusting? Dad will attack it with utter determination. Dad will fill holes in the wall, repaint porches, pump up bike tires, balance the pH in the pool. Whatever needs maintenance, he’s there. And thank god, because we’re unable to do any of this ourselves. 

Happy Father’s Day, to my Faj and yours!


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June 10, 2016

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