
Blueberry Velvet

Name: Blueberry Velvet

Brewery: 4 Noses

Style: Milkshake IPA

Rating: 4.3 / 5

Review: Honestly, I should rate this beer higher, but as my high school English teacher always quoted Robert Browning: “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp — or what’s a heaven for?”

I’ve been a big 4 Noses fan for a while even though they didn’t have an auspicious start with me (didn’t LOVE their Proboscis Simcoe American Pale Ale, and it was the first beer of theirs I’d tried). Luckily, I gave them another chance and I’m so glad that I did.

This beer came into my life at the exact right time: I was already hooked on several Pineapple Milkshake IPAs (4 Noses and Pikes Peak Brewing) and then for one reason or another, I was obsessed with blueberry-flavored foods. I swear, about a month ago, I just wanted EVERYTHING blueberry: scones, Clif bars, muffins, granola, and of course, beer. I think I also tried a blueberry wheat beer.

In any event, this beer is fantastic because it blends styles — the fruity taste satisfies the sour lovers, the IPA buffs like the hops, and the stout fans dig the milkshake aspect. I swear you can taste the vanilla beans in it, too. SO DRINK IT.

Blueberry Velvet - 4 Noses Brewing Company - Beer of the Day

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